All of the Projects supported by Keenan’s Kids focus on providing food and Nutrition to children of the world.


Children of Kagomagate
During March 2020, Ellie Von Wellshiem (photo above, left) visited Keenan’s Kids in Uganda. Initially, she met with Moses Wambi, leader of our mission effort in the Kagomagate community.
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A Single Well and Cleaning Rain
We are thrilled that the two water filtration systems provided by Keenan’s Kids for the Kagomagate community are now installed and functioning.
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Portraits and a Movie
This year we will be unable to travel to our beloved Kagomagate. Nevertheless, Keenan’s Kids continues to support the feeding program at the School and supports many other initiatives. Here, we feed nearly 400 students daily.
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Clean Water
During our March 2017 visit to Kagoma Gate, we observed an unusually high number of children with skin infections and stomach disorders. It didn’t take long to recognize that the root cause of all this was the lack of clean water.
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Inspiration in Uganda
In 2013, the community of Kagoma Gate was named the poorest village in Uganda, Africa – that is saying a lot. In 2014, Keenan’s Kids partnered with the Giving Circle to design a program to help improve attendance at school. Similar to its other programs throughout the world, Keenan’s Kids committed to providing breakfast and lunch to each child in the Village, provided that parents of the children would allow them to attend school.
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Meet Moses Wambi – Uganda
In every project, undertaking or effort, there is always one person who rises to the top to provide inspiration, strength and leadership. At the village of Kagoma Gate that person is Moses Wambi. Moses, together with his wife, Cecelia (both pictured above) have been the driving force behind the Keenan’s Kids feeding and nutrition program, in partnership with the Saratoga Spring’s Giving Circle.
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