All of the Projects supported by Keenan’s Kids focus on providing food and Nutrition to children of the world.

Nepal’s Pandemic
Like the rest of the world, Nepal has been engulfed by the COVID -19 Pandemic. The first case in in the country was confirmed …
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Children of Kagomagate
During March 2020, Ellie Von Wellshiem (photo above, left) visited Keenan’s Kids in Uganda. Initially, she met with Moses Wambi, leader of our mission effort in the Kagomagate community.
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Las Guarderias
Michael Moran (Keenan’s uncle) and Frank (Keenan’s dad) traveled to Cuba for Keenan’s Kids during November 2019. We traveled with members of the Caritas organization, the largest philanthropic group in Cuba,
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A Single Well and Cleaning Rain
We are thrilled that the two water filtration systems provided by Keenan’s Kids for the Kagomagate community are now installed and functioning.
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Kathmandu – 10 Years
Ten years ago we celebrated the initiation of our “Milk & Rice” and “Fruit on Fridays” programs at the Orchid Garden Nepal (OGN) Daycare Center in Kathmandu, Nepal. At that time, we were thrilled to have sixty children in the programs.
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Meet Tarpon
Tarpon came to Orchid Garden Nepal at the age of 10. By then, he had already experienced a challenging life. He was born in Pachnthar, in the eastern part of Nepal. The youngest of two children, his father died before he had a chance to know him. His mother, Tara, unable to provide for her children, left them with her parents and traveled to Kathmandu to make a life. There, she remarried and had a son. Throughout Tarpon’s childhood, his mother would return to Pachnthar once a year to visit him and his older brother.
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