October 16, 2011
Faces of Chonco, Nicaragua

They are beautiful. They are God’s children. They are our brothers and sisters. They are our children of the world. They are Keenan’s Kids.
Often, they eat only once a day. Their opportunities are severely limited.
Inspirationally, they find happiness in their families, and share the little that they have.
Amigos for Christ and Keenan’s Kids are nearly finished in building a Comedor (feeding center pictured below) for the children of Chonco. Keenan’s Kids will provide breakfast and lunch for nearly 250 children, provided they attend the school built by the Amigos organization. This is our “Food for School” program. Presently, the school offers education through the 5th grade, and plans are underway to add a 6th and 7th grade. With food and nutritional support, these children’s families will be able to afford to let their children go to school, rather than engage in the daily labors otherwise required for daily survival. In the long run, we believe that education of Chonco’s children, will help lead the village to better health and living conditions.
Building always takes longer than expected. Great progress was made over the summer when many Amigos missionaries were helping with construction, but this support slowed in the Fall. Our new target date is early 2012, and the children’s excitement continues to inspire us.
Many, many thanks to all of you who support Keenan’s Kids.
The “Comedor” for the Children of Chonco, Nicaragua