September 1, 2016
Major Life Changes in Nicaragua

Keenan’s Kids built and supports the Comedor (feeding center) in the rural village of Chonco, Nicaragua. The Comedor has now been in operation for almost five years, and provides breakfast and lunch to approximately 240 children throughout the school year. The food and nutrition is provided as an incentive to the families in Chonco to allow their children to attend school, rather than remain at home to assist with domestic chores and economic support. Keenan’s Kids partners with Amigos for Christ, an Atlanta, GA based NGO, with an organizational operating presence in Chinandega, Nicaragua. Amigos is the group that built Chonco’s local school (grades kindergarten through 6th) and provides daily operating support for this Keenan’s Kids initiative.
In these past five years, this community has gone from having to spend half a day on a burro to retrieve barely potable water, to having clean well-supplied water at their door step; from having had their children working every day to having their children fully engaged in school in grades pre-K through 6th; from having their children eat once a day to eating twice a day: and having the Keenan’s Kids Comedor (feeding center) serve as the central base of their community. They have said to us “These changes have been the most significant changes in our lives.”
Thank you Keenan for having helped us to realize what can be done.