December 21, 2017

Meet Team OGN
This is the group of women volunteers who help support and care for the children of Orchid Garden Nepal (OGN), the Daycare Center and School in Kathmandu. Furthest to the left, above right, is Bina Basnet, the Founder and Director of OGN. Bina and her staff work tirelessly to maintain a safe haven and learning environment for the children, while their parents, from the lowest caste in Nepal, work dawn to dusk to support their families. Above left, is the music teacher who supports OGN one day a week. Above center, is one of the fruit vendors supporting OGN.
Unfortunately, more often than not, the meal the children receive at OGN is their only meal of the day. Keenan’s Kids supports this effort financially, along with the Fruit on Fridays Program. This community in Kathmandu is where Keenan lived with a Tibetan family, and where she spent much of her time with children, whom always brought a smile to her face. We continue in her spirit.