December 31, 2011
Winter – Kathmandu, Nepal

The weather report gives us the high and low temperatures , but one has to live in Kathmandu to know how cold and stark it is during the winter season. In the heart of winter, the sun won’t rise until around 10am, and its heat will only be felt for three to four hours before it sinks into the mountains that encircle the valley. Throughout the streets, you see children with nothing on their feet, torn sweaters and pants, with uncertain meals, irregular places to sleep and no means of support.
Keenan’s Kids continues to support Orchid Garden Nepal, the day care
center that provides food and shelter to the children of the lowest caste in this area of the country. The children continue to receive two meals a day, and a piece of fruit on Fridays. Remarkably, they are happy.
Keenan loved the children of Kathmandu, and we send our heartfelt thanks to all of you who continue to support her dream of helping the children of the world.