All of the Projects supported by Keenan’s Kids focus on providing food and Nutrition to children of the world.

Protests & Civil Unrest
During April 2018, Nicaraguans began to protest the Government’s severe cutback in social security wages. Initially, it started with the elderly, but then active working families and students joined the protests.
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Chonco School Expansion
This year we traveled to Nicaragua during the Spring with two very special people. One was our niece, Claudia Van Slyke (upper left) and the other, a long time friend and supporter of Keenan’s Kids, Bernadette DeRodes (upper left).
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Major Life Changes in Nicaragua
Keenan’s Kids built and supports the Comedor (feeding center) in the rural village of Chonco, Nicaragua. The Comedor has now been in operation for almost five years, and provides breakfast and lunch to approximately 240 children throughout the school year. The food and nutrition is provided as an incentive to the families in Chonco to allow their children to attend school, rather than remain at home to assist with domestic chores and economic support.
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Families of Nicaragua
Keenan’s Kids built and supports the Comedor (feeding center) in the rural village of Chonco, Nicaragua.
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Alex & Johnny Give Back – Nicaragua
Alex Corpora is Keenan’s cousin. Johnny is her fiancee and they plan to be married in September 2015.
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Meet Aidad Maradiaga
Aidad lives in the village of Chonco, Nicaragua and is one of nine children. She describes her family as loving and beautiful, and adores her father and mother.
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